Regulatory Documents

Laws of Ukraniane:

LAW OF UKRAINE "On Road Traffic" -

LAW OF UKRAINE "On Road Transport" -


THE LAW OF UKRAINE "On a single fee that is collected at checkpoints across the state border of Ukraine" -  

CMU resolutions:

RESOLUTION OF CMU dated January 18, 2001, No. 30 "On transportation of large and heavy vehicles by motorways of the roads, streets and railway crossings" -

RESOLUTION OF THE CMU dated June 26, 2013, No. 704 "On Amendments to the Procedure for Implementation of Dimensional and Weighted Control and Collection of Charges for Motorway Travel by General Use of Vehicles and Other Self-Propelled Machinery and Machinery with Weight and / or Overall Dimensions Which Exceed the Normative" -

RESOLUTION OF THE CMU dated June 27, 2007, No. 879 "On Measures for the Conservation of Motorways of the Common Use" -  

RESOLUTION dated April 18, 2012 № 301 "On approval of the list of public roads of state importance" -