Transportation of building technique

Building of roads, houses, stadiums, whole cities and other your unique projects, requires the help of ferrous monsters of building technique. Every еденица of building technique be that bulldozers, boring options, lifting faucets, power-shovels, loaders, asphalt pavers of and other, are constructed for professional implementation of поставленых before them tasks. Movement of such building technique between detail designs in most cases impossible unassisted the specialized transport, and имено of professional негабаритных heavy and низкорамных platforms. Our autopark has a wide variety of спецплатформ for transportations of different building technique, both on territory of Ukraine and for the international transporting. Professionalism and experience of employees of company will help you расчитать and to plan moving of any building негабаритной and heavy technique for your future or current building project.

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